Sharing Assessments

Sharing Assessments

You can share an assessment with an internal or external stakeholder so they can complete the whole assessment or just the sections relevant to them.

When you share an assessment to another person they get access to:

  • The Assessment Questions

For each question they can:

  • Answer the question
  • View the Help Guide
  • View and edit actions
  • View and edit notes
  • View and edit evidence (Note: assessment contributors can upload new documents or link to any document used across the entire assessment)
  • View key findings for the question
  • View in-scope and other related standards associated with the question
  • View related risk scenario.

How to Invite Someone to an Assessment

To invite someone to contribute to an assessment:

  1. Go to an Assessment
  2. Select Share (from the top right corner)
  3. Enter the details of the user you want to share the assessment with (Full Name and Email Address
  4. Select a due date
  5. Select the email templates you wish to use for the initial email and for weekly follow up. Learn how to set up email templates.
Do you want the person to just answer some of the assessment?

If you wish to share just some of the assessment - select the relevant practice areas. If you don't know which practice areas go back to the assessment control questions page and look at the questions under each practice area to identify the name of the practice area that is most appropriate to share with the specific person.

Don't want to use an email template?

If you don't wish to send emails from the platform you can copy the URL from the share page and send to the person with your own instructions.

Learn how to view communication history and manage follow ups.

View who has access to the Assessment

To see who has access to an assessment you can:

Select the Share button on the Assessment page and look at the Guest list; or

Go to Company Settings, Select Team and view Assessment Contributors.

Remove Access from an Assessment

To remove a user from having access to an assessment:

Unlink from Assessment

  1. Select the Share button.
  2. Find the user in the Guest list.
  3. Select the red x next to their name.


Remove Access from User

  1. Go to Company Settings.
  2. Select Team .
  3. View Assessment Contributors.
  4. Select the User.
  5. View Assessments they have access to and remove access.