Assessment Communications

Assessment Communications

When you share an assessment with an internal or external stakeholder so they can complete the assessment you may send out emails using your custom email templates.

You may wish to see what you sent them or manage if follow ups should be sent.

Learn about sharing assessments.

To view the communications history:

- Select an Assessment / Select Communications.

View Assignments

This is where you can see who this assessment has been shared with.

Follow Ups

If you select to toggle off the master "Send Follow Ups for Assessments" no-one will receive further follow up emails.

If you select to toggle off a users "Follow Ups/Active" that person will no longer receive further follow up emails and indicates that the person has completed the assessment.

View Emails

This is where you can see

  1. A log of all emails sent to the people who the assessment was shared with.  
  2. What practice areas they were given access to, or requested to complete, if an.

Select Show Preview icon to view the actual email that was sent to the user.  

I gave the user the wrong practice areas to complete, how can I change this?

If you need to adjust which practice area they have access to remove them from the assessment by going back to share and unlinking them or removing their access under Company/Team/Assessment Contributor access and re sharing the assessment with them again with the correct practice areas.