The Custom Attributes for Assets feature allows you to develop and maintain an asset register that works for your organisation.
You can keep a track of any number of attributes for each of your assets.
By creating custom attributes for your assets you can keep a track of things like:
Who supplied you the software?
Software versions.
Location of data.
Backup plans.
Copies of software licence agreements.
Links to support guides or vendor policies.
Risk ratings or classification of assets.
If logs are collected from the system and fed into your central logging solution.
Does the system have MFA?
What type of information is stored in the system?
...and so much more.
When you set up a custom attribute you can select whether it is:
A Text field
A pick list (custom choices like yes/no or High, Medium, Low)
A link to another location (URL)
An attachment. Note: Any attachments created for an asset are added to your document repository in the Assuredly platform and can be linked to security control assessments
To create custom attributes:
Go to your Asset register
Select Asset attributes form the left hand navigation.
Add and edit attributes as required.
Ensure you select the tick symbol next to attributes which you change.