Asset details

Asset details

Add details to Assets

Ensure you have a clear view of assets to protect by categorising assets into four  key types: Information, Technology, Physical and Organisational then tag them with pre-defined sub-types

The details of an asset allow you to sort assets into groups that makes sense for you.  Details that you can capture about an asset include:

  • Name of Asset
  • Alias name (what does you team call it?)
  • Pre-defined Type and Sub-Type (these are pre-defined categories)
  • Description (what is is used for?)
  • Owner (who is the person or team that manages the asset?)
  • Asset Group (this is where you can group your assets into groups that make sense for you)

Guide to adding assets

To edit the details of an asset:

  1. Go to Home/Assets
  2. Select an asset
  3. Update the basic details and select next
  4. Update the advanced Details and select

Group Assets

Manage assets in Groups.

Create Custom Attributes

Learn how to create custom attributes for your assets.